“And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 18:3 KJV
Little Children are considered innocent because they believe what adults tell them. Much like Adam & Eve before The Fall, they have no real awareness of evil and are usually very trusting. Jesus says to us, unless we become as little children we can’t enter the Kingdom of heaven.
The question is how can we do this? Growing up in a fallen world, we experience being lied to and lied on, treated unkindly & unfairly, and some of us even experience abuse. If we haven’t personally experienced these things we’ve seen it experienced by others on TV or on the internet – in our city or somewhere in the world. All of these experiences impact our ability to trust & to believe anything without proof – guilty until proven innocent, wrong until proven right, trust no one and nothing is often our position.
So how do we adults who have lost our innocent faith – receive this kingdom?
The answer lies in getting to know God for ourselves. By reading the bible, we learn the nature and the character of God. We learn that He’s not the people who’ve we’ve had experiences with or seen on TV. We learn of His love, faithfulness to us, dependability, and that He always has our best interest in mind.
It is only by continuing to learn more about Jesus that we get to a place where we can trust Him fully. In that place we can say, “no matter what happens in my life, God has my best interest at heart!” – that’s child-like faith.